Week: 92 Iñaquito, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Nielson/ Parma, Idaho
Colton's Address:
Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Quito Ecuador
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Outside in the city. Yes, it's been raining all week! (Can you imagine the Temple in the back?) Iñaquito, Ecuador April 2016 |
Well, this week was exciting, no? Our beloved prophet Thomas S. Monson announced a temple in Quito, Ecuador! Wow! I was so stoked. Every conference when President says he will be announcing temples, the missionaries sit on the edge of thier seats waiting to hear Quito, Ecuador. Well this time he said he would be announcing four temples and immediately I thought how awesome it would be to finish my mission with a temple announced in Quito.
Boom goes the dynamite!
The Gringo room went loco! All we heard was Quito and we knew it! Tears wear shed, and hearts were gladened! Much hard work was put into seeing the fruit of being blessed with a temple. I truly feel as an instrument in the Lord's hands!
My sick pic Iñaquito, Ecuador April 2016 |
This week was a little tough. We worked hard with our investigator Fernanda but she was busy at work all week! We are hoping to visit her this week and help her keep progressing to baptism. We also helped Vladimir and he wanted to be baptized but he didn't go to Conference! That bum. I know that both of them can get baptized they just have to stop being bums!
Well my voice has officially been absent for the past week or so. So I have been trying to teach the gospel as a mute missionary. I teach in a whisper and people are a lot more sensitive to the Spirit. It sounds like I'm going to cry every five seconds so the Spirit has been strong haha. Elder Nielsen says I should just teach in a whisper all the time. But it's also been a humbling experience! I find myself trying to speak but then I just can't. I just want to ask Elder Nielsen if I can borrow his milk and I have to motion it to him so it's been fun.
Bro date after the Priesthood Session of conference Iñaquito, Ecuador April 2016 |
Went to Chilis..... Iñaquito, Ecuador April 2016 |
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The Crew...I lost by 2 points! Iñaquito, Ecuador April 2016 |
Well I'd just like to share this this week!
I am proud to have President Richardson as my mission president. He is man called of God! It made me sad to think of all of the things that he has done for the mission and especially for me and to see missionaries who do not always appreciate that as much... it's hard for me to comprehend. He has done so much for me and this mission, and honestly I am so grateful to be in this mission. I wouldn't have been able to reach my potential as a missionary, person, or even man, if it was in any other mission. I thank him for everything and the fruits of his labors are evident! We truly have been instruments in the hands of the Lords to bring to pass great things!
Elder Kimball
Elder Nielson and I and bad photo creds go to Elder Olson Iñaquito, Ecuador April 2016 |
Go Big or Go home! Iñaquito, Ecuador April 2016 |
Bailey- No letter from you this week. Disappointed...
Clay- Thanks for writing me bro! I love you man!
Lexi- Looking very beautiful!
Leah- You too. Don't freak out about the apostates!
Bella- I love you sis and you are becaoming one beautiful pre teen!
Collins- How was the plane? Travel much?
Capri- Looks like Aunt Susan is your new grandma! haha
Mom- Thanks for being a gem. Be careful with the password to my email. See how much I trust you. Don't abuse it!
Dad- Go Spurs! Thanks for everything dad! You have always been a great example of Christ and I thought of you during the PH Sesh!
Elder Kimball
Love u elder. We sure had fun with your family last week. See u soon 😄😄