Date: January 12, 2015
Week: 29 Ophelia, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Bustillo/Honduras
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Colton right before his mission Utah, June 2014 |
That's right people! Changes yesterday and Elder Peña went to Imbabura to continue not talking to people and I got to recieve Elder Bustillo from Honduras. My second companion from Honduras! Elder Marshall went to the Jungle and Elder Perry is waiting with us to recieve one of my good missionary friends from Esmeraldas Elder Pinto! You could say I am stoked for the changes and to be a normal person again. Oh and the hermana's didn´t have changes. Hermana Dunne will finish her mission here.
The best part of the week was when we had Stake conference and President Richardson came to town! We also had President Fuhriman of the Guayaquil Temple come and an Area Seventy Presidente Vallejo. So you could say I was batting in the Big Leagues on this one. President Fuhriman is from Idaho but he sort of looks Latino and his Spanish is probably perfect. His talks were funny and relatable and he even talked to me afterward but not in English. He said he had been to San Antonio and he goes ¿Como se dice "Riverwalk"? and I just laughed.
President Richardson came to play especially when he threw a change-up and called Elder Peña and I up to the plate and asked us to state the Mission Purpose in front of the whole crowd. I think it's safe to say my knees were weak. My arms were heavy. There was vomit on my sweater already. Mom's spaghetti. I was nervous but on the surface "I looked calm and ready to drop bombs but I kept on forgetting"..... Sorry snapped into alittle bit of Eminem right there.
On the mission, your memory extends beyond measures. Anyway's I knew the purpose but maybe my companion didn´t so it kinda looked bad cause the Gringo came out on top on this one. Elder Vallejo is Ecuatoriano so that's pretty cool. He spoke with power and authority and he didn´t offend anyone too bad.
Well I have to go so I will write more next week! I love y'all and everyone! I hope I will have great news of a great week from Elder Bustillo and I!
Ciao, Elder Kimball
P.S If you want to know what it was like for the relationship of Elder Peña and I, watch Finding Nemo in the part where Dory is showing Marlin where the boat went.
P.S.S. Sorry no pictures this week.
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