Date: May 2, 2016
Week: 96 Iñaquito, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Nielson/ Parma, Idaho
Colton's Address:
Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Quito Ecuador
Elder Olsen and I with the goofy haircuts! Iñaquito, Ecuador May 2016 |
This week went well! We had our training with President and the Zones of Quito. We learned about how to teach the Plan of Salvation. So we were able to learn a little about that, and then we did some practices. Always got to practice when you learn something! Well, after the practices, four missionaries always get chosen to demonstrate in front of everyone. I got chosen and my companion was an Elder Vela from Plano, Texas, so I told him that the Texas Brothers gotta represent! We did pretty good. He has little time in the mission, but he taught really well. (The Texas Legacy will live on). We were able to have some cookies from Hermana Richardson that were so good! She always has some treats to give us!
Zona Quito Oeste Iñaquito, Ecuador May 2016 |
Elder Ramponi and My Goofy Haircut! Iñaquito, Ecuador May 2016 |
We worked a lot with the Guamaningas this week, trying to help Vladimir progress towards his date for baptism on the 14th of May. We talked with Sebatian about recieving the priesthood so he was really excited for that! We also were able to find a new investigator from a reference from the other Elders. Marco Morales just moved from the coast because of the earthquake. We're working to help him and he accepted a date to be baptized on May 21st. He is doing well, and he even came to church so that was awesome! He is just struggling with finding work and moving his family over here.
The Bro! Iñaquito, Ecuador May 2016 |
The Lance Stephenson Iñaquito, Ecuador May 2016 |
Elder Nielsen buying suits. There is a suit craze in the mish! Iñaquito, Ecuador May 2016 |
Unfortunately, Vladimir decided to skip church so we were a little disappointed! but his family came and Sebastian was able to recieve the priesthood which was awesome! We are close to rescuing his family and then we just need to get Vladimir baptized!
Well I don't have alot to say this week, besides I'm fine, and the miracles here in Ecuador are abundant!
Elder Kimball
Bailey- Miss you, and too bad you don't write me!
Clay- Miss you too man! You still grounded?
Lexi- Harry Potter Marathon?
Leah- How goes school? You excited to go to whatever the next grade is for you?
Bella- Hope you are enjoying school also. Miss you!
Collins- Can't wait to see you! Can't believe I still haven't seen you!
Capri- Ditto for you too! I still don't know you either!
Mom- Talk to you Sunday!
Dad- Go Spurs Go!
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