Week: 82 Cangahua, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Moreira/ Quevedo Ecuador
Colton's Address:
Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Quito Ecuador
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The "Where's Waldo" photo of Colton's area Ecuador, January 2015 |
Being Martin Luther King Day, I thought it would be fit to honor the name of this email in honor of him. I guess you could say I have a dream too.
Ever since being born into the Kimball family, my goal has been to go on a mission. I rememeber making that goal with myself, before I even had the opportunity to be baptized. When the opportunity came to be baptized, I rememeber walking to the pond, in Windcrest, with my mom and dad, and probably other little kids on a Sunday afternoon. I asked my dad what would happen if I didn't get baptized. My dad then asked if I wanted to live with God. I of course said yes. My dad responded saying well if you don't get baptized you'll live in heck. (Of course living in Texas, he didn't use those exact words). Obviously, I chose to choose the right.
As time went on my goal still held firm but I had to live according to the goal I had made. There were bumps in the road and I hadn't made all the correct choices but I continued with that goal in my mind. And then the mic was dropped, when President Monson annouced the eligible missionary age had been dropped, and I had the ooportunity to serve at age 18. I rememeber that day vert clearly. I was driving home and my Nana sent me a text message congratualating me on this wonderful opportunity. (No text messages were read while driving). I immediatly felt a deep warm spirit just come over me. I had felt so happy and joyous knowing that I was part of the Lord hastening of his work. I also felt a year of my life just slip away as I was that much closer to my goal.
Next thing you know I have my mission call from Church HQ and I'm saying to myself anywhere but South America. But I had known that I was chosen to serve in Ecuador before I had even come to this earth. Now I'm sitting next to my mother in a mexican taxi on my way to the new church missionary training center. She asked if I was going to cry, and me being me I said heck no, but inside I honestly didn't know if I would.
Taking pictures with my mom and dad and saying goodbye at the Mexico City MTC will be something that I will never forget but since that moment I haven't looked back. Having that goal to be a missionary for The Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was a blessing. And now while actually living it, it is just wonderful. I love this opprtunity to serve here and it will be something that I will never forget. Even though it's hard and there are times where I am looking down more than up I remember that I have been called by a prophet of God. I know what I'm doing is truly His work, that this is true.
Having opportunity to help a man who has listened to the missionaries for more that 15 years finally decide to be baptized is wonderful. Fabian, I am sure has had many prayers offered for him, whether it be from his wife, his daughters, or even the missionaries that have taught him all of his life. To be a witness of those prayers finally being answered is honestly an experience that I can't even describe.
Fabian passed his baptismal interview last week and will be entering the waters of baptism this Saturday. He invited Elder Moreira and I to come back to Ecuador in one yar from that date and be part of his sealing with his family for the eternities. Guys, I honestly try so hard to make these letters as close to the real thing, but I can't describe the way you feel when someone asks you to be a part of that. I can't describe the feeling you get when you rememeber being taught in primary that families can be together forever, and then you help someone realize that and they choose to accept that blessing from God. It's something that can't be put into words.
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Elder Godoy, his wife and Hermana and Presidente Richardson Ecuador, January 2015 |
To keep moving on... the Spirit that was felt this week was also felt by the opportunity our mission had to have Elder Carlos A. Godoy of the Seventy visit us. What a powerful speaker! He started off by showing us a picture of a little brazilian boy with long brown hair dancing at a church activity. With tears in his eyes, at this point in time the boy was only 16 years-old. He asked if that boy looked like he could recieve the gospel? He continued sharing that the boy had been invited to a little church activity. As the boy walked into the gym, there were a circle of chairs witha young people playing a game. The boy was shocked to see how much fun these people were having with just a little game.
As the boy was walking out with his sister, two sister missionaries were by the door asking if they would like to learn more about the church. As the sisters finally got to the boys sister, thay asked her and she politely said no and walked right on out. They then asked him if he would like to listen. They asked the boy with long brown hair who was breaking most commandments of God, and looked like never in a million years that he would recieve the gospel. Elder Godoy then expressed that to this day the boys sister has yet to let the missionaries teach her, but the little boy was now a member of the Quorum of the Seventy. Elder Godoy was that little boy. He was baptized one month later and that he was the only one.
The sister missionaries were transferred two weeks after that, and he was totally alone. Just a boy with long brown hair sitting in the back of the sacrament room. To see Elder Godoy in person and that photo, I can say that I was absolutely shocked. To see that just a boy who could have easily been lost in the church was now a member of the Seventy. Wow just wow! He later told us that he was able to find those sister missionaries. They did not remember him at first but I'm sure they remember him now. Elder Godoy was able to reactivate one of the sister missionaries that taught him, and was able to seal for time and eternity the son of the other sister missionary. The little boy with brown hair sealed the son of one of the missionaries that taught him and reactivate the other!
Now to share one more experience, that I feel needs sharing. Elder Moreira and I were heading to lunch and our mamita told us that there wasn't a man in the house and we wouldn't be able to eat inside. She said we could take the food with us and eat in our house. Since we didn't feel like walking all the way to our house we took it to the Yepez home. (If you don't rememeber who they are you can find a picture of them and I in a letter I sent at the beginning of December.)
William Yepez , his Mom (Recent Convert) and his sister(Investigator) y Carla y Carlota Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015 |
We got to their house and learned that the dad had been drunk for several days and hadn't given them money to buy food. They were absolutely starving and said that they had prayed that the Lord would provide them food. As I looked at my companion and I could see tears coming to his eyes, we graciously gave them the food that the mamita had just given us. As we sat around the dinner table with this family they laughed and ate, I honestly can't describe the feelings that were felt there either. As we were leaving one of the hermana's that was there thanked us deeply and said that she knew that we were sent by God.
Family and friends, I know that this church is true, and I know that to be a missionary is an experience I will never forget. I know that Joseph Smith is the prophet that restored the Lord's gospel to the earth. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and the Savior of the world. I love you all and wish you all a happy MLK day!
With love,
Elder Kimball
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