Date: December 21, 2015
Week: 78 Cangahua, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Moreira/ Quevedo Ecuador
Colton's Address:
Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Quito Ecuador
Mijo, Elder Moreira and Me Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
Here goes nothing! Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015 |
Well I don't have much time so I will make this quick. I was with Elder Perry and Elder Arango for a couple days untill my new companion arrived in Ecuador. We had alot of fun killing chickens and taking cool pictures while working (see pictures below).
Look at that fine pic. Missionaries at Work Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
The Trio Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
Finally Thursday arrived and I was able to go to the meeting and meet my companion. We all ate breakfast together before we knew who was with whom. When I saw Elder Moreira, I knew it was him. It was almost as if I had known him before. He is really cool. He is from Quevedo, Ecuador so I tell all the people that he's a local. He pretty much knows how Ecuador functions so that makes things easier. He is 18 years old so he's just like me when I came out. He, his siblings, and mom are members, but his dad isn't. The cool thing is that his dad promised to discover more about the church and be baptized before he gets back and he is not scared about sharing that with anyone. He shared that with an investigator we have and she broke down in tears. Crazy how the Spirit works in this guy! I think he is my tallest companion. He is pretty lanky so I guess it makes him look tall.
Ceviche con el Hijo Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
Los Nuevos y Entrenadores Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
He is excited to learn English as well, and he tells literally everyone that I'm going to teach him (contacts included). We have 2 investigators with a date for baptism now! Darwin of course is still progressing for the 23rd. I called him Sunday morning and he told me that he wasn't going to be able to come because he was sick. I told him that if he didn't come we would have to postpone the baptism and he showed up. The dude has desires so that is awesome. Another investigator is Fabian Gordillo. He bore his testimony in Gospel Principles to all the people there that he had finally decided to be baptized and that he has the goal to sealed with his family in the temple. The work is going great right now so I am stoked!
Well sorry for writing so fast but got to go!
Love to all and see ya Friday Family!
Elder Kimball
Choosing his victim Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
The Chicken Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
Little did I know what was coming Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015 |
He says hold its neck... Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
Holding back curse words Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
Let the screaming begin Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
Thought he cut my hand Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
Still freaking out Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
Wiping my tears Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
Checking to make sure I was in one piece Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
After he broke its neck Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
My turn Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015 |
Making sure I got it good Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
Getting the chicken killing pose Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015
Work of Art Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015 |
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