Date: December 14, 2015
Week: 77 Cangahua, Ecuador
Companion: Elder...????
Colton's Address:
Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Quito Ecuador
William Yepez is going to be our Ward Mission Leader soon! Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015 |
Well Christmas is almost here and it seems like yesterday I was in Ofelia on Christmas day last year, and looks like I'll be waking up on Christmas in Ofelia again. Elder Sejas had changes last night:( He ended up going to Otavalo. I knew that he was going over there just because he would probably enjoy it alot more over there than he would in any other place. He was sad to be leaving but I just told him that that was part of the mission. His new companion is actually Texan so I told him he has been lucky so far.
Elder Sejas being Elder Sejas Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015 |
Elder Sejas, Wiler and I in his birthday party Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015 |
I will be receiving my new companion this Thursday. I don't know what his name is, or where he is from, but I do know that he is just starting his mission. I am still in Cangahua so I am excited about that. Darwin (our investigator with a date for baptism) has a new baptismal date for the 23rd of January. He is progressing well! He has been coming to church and has been making friends so we are excited for him!
Elder Bustillo finished his mission so it was weird to say goodbye to one of my old companions. Elder Perry is recieving an Elder Arango. He is coming from the orient in Lago Agrio. He should be here later today. We finally know when we will have our Cena NavideƱa (Christmas Dinner) with President in the Mission Home. The 22nd of December! The zone is planning a little sketch that we have to perform for President so we are pretty excited about that. We will see if I steal the show or not.
William Yepez (rescue) and Elder Sejas and I. Elder Sejas was saying goodbye
Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015 |
The Christmas Call is coming around and I can't believe that I get to call home! I feel like I just called my family. We have the option of calling the 24th or the 25th. I will probably call the 25th but we have to be in our house before 5:00 pm TST (Texas Standard Time). So I guess I will be calling before then.
His Mom (Recent Convert) and his sister(Investigator) y Carla y Carlota
Cangahua, Ecuador December 2015 |
Well Speaking of Christmas, it's a time where we should be centered in Christ. He is the Gift
This video is a great video that shows us the importance of remembering Christ. How often do we rememeber what we are recieving for Christmas instead what we have been given? What can we give to others? If we think of all the gifts God has given us I feel like there would be to many to count. The Holy Ghost, the opportunity to be cleansed of sin, forgiveness, Jesus Christ, talents. Honestly we can go on forever. Now how are we using those gifts to help others recognize them and recieve them? Let us share this Christmas the gift of Christ.
Peace out!
Elder Kimball
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