Date: March 23, 2015
Week: 39 Lago Agrio, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Castillo/Chile & Elder Palomino/Peru
My companions and I after riding in a torrential downpour!
Lago Agrio, Ecuador March 2015 |
"Hola, Buenos días, somos misioneros de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días, soy Elder Kimball, como Kimbolito pero sin -ito y el es un miembro."
Missionaries always have so many differents ways of introducing themselves as representatives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I think I found my way that has become quite useful this past week. The name name Kimball really isn't all that hard to say, but some people just don't get it until I learned of an Ecuadorian pastry that is eaten alot here named Kimbolito. The people can easily say that, so I quickly teach them how to say my name by relating it to a name that they already know.
I also now refer to my companion as just a member of the church because in all reality most of the time he really is just that. I went on splits with about four different members this past week just because I can, and my old sector is still bringing in the goods. I had 3 converts, 4 less actives and 8 investigators come to church and that's just from my sector alone. Elder Castillo helped me organize some visits with the members and I just got to work. Now I don´t want to brag but this was probably the most successful week I ever had and I didn't even have a companion.
Me eating a sweet tamale with my member companion Hermano Santin. Lago Agrio, Ecuador March 2015 |
Closer look at my sweet tamale Lago Agrio Ecuador, March 2015 |
I have been working with the Jurado Family, who Elder Del Aguila visited one time, and I decided to visit them again with Hermano Santin. We went and the husband, Wilson, and the wife, Rosio, were there and we talked about the Plan of Salvation. I wanted to put them on date for baptism but they aren't married. However, they came to church and I have been meeting with them consistently with my companion, Hermano Santin.
I also have been working with the Pogo Family. Hermana Lillian, the mom, Hna. Melissa y Hna. Isamar, the daughters. We put them all on date for the 18th of April but turns out Lillian isn´t married so she can´t get baptized that day but both she and Isamar attended church so Isamar is a progressing investigator.
Pretending to cook at the branch cookout. Lago Agrio, Ecuador March 2015 |
Just fooling around... Lago Agrio, Ecuador March 2015 |
As for less actives, I did a bunch of contacting and some assignments for my branch president, Elder Castillo, to find some less actives because with Del Aguila we had zero. I found Emilio Zamora contacting in a taxi I took and turns out he is a member that lives in my sector but hasn´t been to church in a while. He came to church this past Sunday and he loved it.
Elder Castillo assigned me to find the Garcia Gordon Family and also Jesus Cortes. I went out looking in the middle of the jungle and I found Familia Garcia Gordon. They came to church! Also Jesus Cortes is a 17-year-old kid that hasn't been to church since last general conference and he is literally impossible to find. I went with a 18-year-old kid named Carlos Lopez in my branch because he knows Jesus. We went out looking. He said he thought he remembered the street of where Jesus lived. We walked about 3kms into the Jungle and I decided to say a prayer remembering all the experiences I have had with prayer in finding people. We finished with the prayer and walked about 5 minutes more and we spot Jesus! Wow what a grand moment it was! Carlos couldn´t believe it and now he wants to serve a mission more than ever.
Everything is good with Elder Palomino and Castillo. Palomino reminds me of someone from a movie but I just can't remember who. But basically Elder Palomino is a good guy just doesn't want to work. He sort of looks Indian but he is from Peru but I think its funnier to picture him as a girl Indian kid. Elder Castillo is 27 and real serious, but knows when to joke around. He thinks I have a bunch of money but I tell him that I don't! Come on man, we get $120 of support here in the Orient! He also says I eat alot when I don't even eat that much! He just likes to tease... I guess I deserve it after all those years with my bro and sisters. He is from Chile. He was baptized when he was 20 and he goes home in July. Palomino goes home in May. And I go home in....Ha just kidding, ¡No Importa!
I hope President gives me a chance to open my sector back up but even he doesn´t I am leaving a pretty good Legado.
Well I guess its my birthday this week and I can´t believe it. Oooo how time has passed! If we take a look at a year ago I was just getting off restriction from spending too much money on ITunes and had my mission call and wore a Buzz Lightyear shirt to my 18th birthday party. Thank you past Colton for being so cool and a rebel but not too rebel where you couldn´t go on a mission. Let's just keep to speeding on the highway (105 mph) and washing trashcans!
Well I love you all and I appreciate the birthday wishes. In the past I have always had friend birthday parties on even years, and family birthday parties on odd years, I guess I forgot that my 19th and 20th birthday parties will be celebrated with my "other" family here in Ecuador (John 10:16).
Con Amor,
Elder Kimbolito
Bailey! Have fun at Prom! Love you!
Clay- Enjoy middle school bro!
Lexi- You really never write me!
Leah- Keep practicing soccer :}
Bella! Keep being pretty!
Collins- Enjoy being the youngest, not for long.... (Spoiler alert)
Editors Note: This is pure speculation on Colton's part since he knows we want to round the family off with an even number of kids!
Mom! Stop sending me your emails last second and then sending me a second email remembering to wish me a Happy Birthday.
Dad! Well BYU stinks but who cares right! I love you dad and I really have taken your advice and gotten to work!