Week: 14 Esmeraldas, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Montesino, Honduras
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Elder Kimball, pre-mish photo |
Dear People,
This week was fast almost as fast as BYU's Go Fast/Go Hard offense, and that's fast. Quick review!
Tuesday: Not much this day. Nothing to say.
Wednesday: This day we had a meeting with President. Like a 9 hour meeting. Sucked up most of this day and our appointments. It was great to see President and the other guys. President brought some pork sandwiches from Quito and they were amazing! Reminded me of Cafe Rio! Boy how I would like a Cafe Rio sweet pork enchilada style burrito right now.
Thursday: We have a zone conference every Thursday. The Zone leaders Elder Gallegos and Elder Wright informed us that our zone currently has zero baptisms this week, so we all prayed that we could find some peeps. Then Elder Montesino and I went to lunch at our mamitas and turns out she isn´t a member.
Friday: I had divisions with Elder Gallego in his sector. Elder Gallegos is probably my favorite missionary because he is from Colombia. He has been out 13 months and he has studied English really hard and he speaks almost perfectly. He really helps me learn new stuff in Español!
Saturday: Not much happening this day
Sunday: We really needed some of our investigators to come to church. We had Peter's mom show up for sacrament, and then at the very end of sacrament Hna. Julia showed up! She stayed for the second hour and then had to go. Hna Julia is a less active. And then the third hour Cristhian showed up! I guess that counts as an attendance! We taught him the law of chastity during the third hour. He has his baptism for this Saturday so I might get to see if my white pants fit. He might not be able to be baptized because he has work so I ask that y'all pray that he can be baptized!
Anyway's that's my week! I think its great that BYU is doing so good but I need them to start destroying teams. Other things that have happened this week. On Thursday I recieved a letter from Aunt Chelsey! WAHOO!!!!!! I really needed a letter that day. Still yet to recieve anything from my own family. Aunt Chel sent me some photos of my fam and her fam and now I have them by my bedside to look at and cry. HAHA.
I'd like to base my spiritual messages on videos because videos are great! This one is a tear jerker. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n-DOKBffuU After watching this video I think it could probably help all you peeps living in the USA and me as well. Sometimes we don´t see the seeds we plant or the good we do, but after watching this video it really helped me see the world differently. The other day Elder Montesino said that as missionaries we are given the gift to see our path even further down the road than others. Sometimes we think we have failed and we didn´t accomplish what we needed to do, but in reality we did. I want you guys to take this video and apply it into your life this week. And try to see what seeds you plant or what seeds you water. I know that you will be able to see the bleesings in your life.
Well I can´t really think of anything else to write. I hope all is well in North America. Something to look forward to is the baptism of Cristhian! I forgot that Familia Quiñonez is doing great. Like I said Hermana Julia attended church. Elian is still on for the eleventh. His sister even decided to be baptized also. I learned that she has a 3 year old daughter so we might have some problems once we get to the Law of Chastity.
Bailey, Hows Physics going? I hope all is well. Know that high school is super fast. It'll be over before you know it. How are the Rattlers doing? Hows swimming? Know that I love you and that you are beautiful!
Clay, Heard you got moved to Go team. Let me tell you that Go team is awesome dude. You actually get to play! Memorize the plays man. They use the same plays in high school. Just know where to line up and what you need to do. I love you bud! Don´t get discouraged that you are on Go team! Something Dad taught me when I would get discouraged is that it's all about being on a team. You are the funniest kid I know so make friends and have fun man. You only get to be a seventh grader once!
Lexi! Didn't recieve a letter from you so CIAO!
Leah! Usted también!
Bella! Love ya sister! Miss Querry told me that you keep asking about me to her! HA!
Collins! Nana said that you are internet famous now. I hope mother isn't one of those moms that posts way too many photos of you on instagram!
Mom! Sorry for not sending pictures! Keep sending me packages! And I am sure I will throughly enjoy the ABBA songs! Just a little update on what I have been eating. Rice and chicken! That's it! I have to say that even Letty's meals are better than these! I mean your meals! HA!
Dad! Probably miss you the most buddy! I think about you all the time and how you served in a place probably like this and felt the way I do and that gives me encouragment. I hope the Cougars keep winning. Did you get a new BYU shirt cause I would like one of those! Hows work? When I was in the sector with Elder Gallego we got to go into a mansion! When I say mansion I mean like tile floor and air conditioning. HAHA Nah, but it actually looked like a home! Anyways, the people that lived there asked me what my dad did and I haven't figured out the word for "bulletproofs cars". The family was really interested and it springed our conversation into the the Plan of Salvation. I talk about you alot father and I miss you!
Love you guys! Elder Kimball!
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