Week: 71 Cangahua, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Sejas/ Cochabomba, Bolivia
Colton's Address:
Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Quito, Ecuador
Email Address: ronald.kimball@myldsmail.net
Me in Agato Otavalo, Ecuador November 2015 |
Got to see Elder Valentine at Stake Conference Otavalo, Ecuador November 2015 |
Well a lot has happened since we last spoke. Let me fill you in. Well, I spent my last week in Agato celebrating the Birthday of Elder Blas and going to Stake Conference (Waiki Style). You are probably wondering how my Halloween was spent, and well there isn't alot to say, because they just don't celebrate Halloween. Stake Conference was actually really cool. Elder Blas and I decided to go as Waikis because how many times can you wear sandals and poncho to church and have everyone be okay with it. We had Elder Fernando Calderon speak who is really just a funny great guy.
Going to stake conference Waiki style Otavalo, Ecuador November 2015 |
Stake Conference, looks a little different right? Otavalo, Ecuador November 2015 |
A selfie at church Otavalo, Ecuador November 2015 |
Elder Kerr and I enjoying Stake Conference Otavalo, Ecuador November 2015 |
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Fernando E. Calderon Our speaker at Conference Otavalo, Ecuador November 2015 |
Fernando E. Calderón, 54, San Rafael, Ecuador; owner, Sales & Construction of Homes; president of the Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission; former branch president, district president, high councilor, stake presidency member, stake president and Area Seventy; wife: Adriana Calderón, three children.
He spoke about being obedient to the Lord and sustaining His servants. He told us that when we sustain the first presidency and the quorum of the twelve that means we are willing to obey them and live the teachings that they give us. You could really see how powerful he was in how he spoke.
Birthday Bash for Elder Blas Otavalo, Ecuador November 2015 |
The Zls coming over for E'Blas bday Otavalo, Ecuador November 2014 |
Afterwards we were able to have a little cake for the Birthday of Elder Blas and then we recieved the changes. Elder Blas knew that he would mostly likely stay and finish his mission in Agato. I was moved to a sector of Cangahua in the Ofelia Zone which I have been in before. I am really excited to be in Quito again and especially during some of the Holiday months because Quito is huge and has tons of people to enjoy it with. My new companion is Elder Sejas. He just finished is training and is from Cochabomba, Bolivia. He is 24 years old and is the 6th of 8 of his siblings. All his brothers and sisters are members and his parents as well. We already seem to get along great and I am excited to see how we work together. Well not much else to say. I hope everyone had a safe Halloween and I hope y'all have a safe week!
Elder Kimball
Making bread with the members Otavalo, Ecuador November 2015 |
Carrying the bread Otavalo, Ecuador November 2015 |
My new companion Elder Sejas Cangahua, Ecuador November 2015 |
In the bus......for transfers Ecuador, November 2015 |
Bailey- Didn't recieve anything from you.....
Clay- What were you for Halloween?
Lexi- Keep being strong in soccer. You are the biggest girl out there!
Leah- Hope you are loving life! How much candy did you get?
Bella- That cellphone video was funny! I sure miss you! Sad to hear you were sick on Halloween....
Collins- Cause a fat baby needs more candy....
Capri- Hope you enjoyed your blessing and Halloween!
Mom- I miss you and I wouldn't mind some packages now that I'm in Quito;)
Dad- Miss you too and sad to hear about Jimmer but great to hear about you and the missionary work! Siga adelante!
Elder Kimball
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