Date: November 9, 2015
Week: 72 Cangahua, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Sejas/ Cochabomba, Bolivia
Colton's Address:
Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Colton's last week in Otavalo. These pics were all posted by his mission president's wife. Since he was unable to send pics this week I am using hers! Thanks Sister Richardson
Ecuador, November 2015 |
Quito, Ecuador
Email Address:
Dear Everyone,
First off, I am cold. Second off, sorry for no pictures. Third off, I am still cold.
The week was great. I got to know Elder Sejas a little more and especially the area where I'm serving. Definition of my area would be: Tons of potential, tons of people. and a ton of work! Cangahua looks promising thus far. The people here seem really awesome. The only problem I have is that it may be a little cold. I'm freezing, who knew I would be serving in Antarctica?
I am in the Ofelia Zone again, and my old sector Ponceano is also here. So guess who heard I was in town and showed up to the zone conference to say hi? Stalin! You guys probably don't remember him but I sure do. Although I was unable to say hi to him because we were in the middle of a meeting. I saw him through the window and we greeted each other.
At his last training in Otavalo
Ecuador, November 2015 |
The zone is pretty big. There are like 20 of us but my district is pretty small. Elder Sejas and I, with Elder Kearns(DL) and Elder Bustillo. Yes that Elder Bustillo. He finishes this change and he was alot happier to see me than I was to see him;) As for the sector, I am excited. It's pretty small but it's a little dangerous also. We have an area called Pisuli where we will take a bus to visit some converts because that area is closed due to it being a danger zone. When I say danger I mean murderers and robbers. My companion gets pretty scared about going there but I really haven't quite seen the danger yet.(Knock on wood).
The food we eat here is alot better than what I was eating in Agato. On Sunday I had fish and cake. Afterwards I was one happy camper. We get alot more rice and I have noticed that in Quito they give you a ton of rice which I don't mind so much anymore.
Ecuador, November 2015 |
At the training
Otavalo, Ecuador November 2015 |
When I got to my house in Cangahua it was a pigsty. Elder Sejas' companion had just finished his mission and he left all his stuff everywhere. Well I rummaged through some of it and took some of his pants, as I am in need of those and some jackets. The pants fit around the waist but Elder Bustillo has asked me many of times where is the river that I am going to cross. I'll try and get some pics of me in my winter gear so you can see how bundled up I am.
I can't not tell you how many times, I have heard someone say that they don't know enough to be baptized. Or that they don't have the faith to do so.
You know enough!
Something I have learned is that when we are converted to the the Lord it means we are in a process on our way to dicipleship. When we say we are converted it doesn't mean we are perfect. It means we understand the consequences of our actions and we truly understand the torment that we will will feel if we do not repent. I do not truly understand the torment that Alma, Nefi, Zeezrom, or even King Lamoni felt, but I know that once we truly do that, that is when we can be converted.
Always learning.
Otavalo, Ecuador November 2015 |
Brothers and Sisters, we may feel lost at times but we know enough. We know the Gospel and how it was restored. We know the Plan of Salvation and the miraculous atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. We must not think that we must know all of God's mysteries. God has shown us the way and it is up to us to decide to follow Him. I know that my Savior lives and that He loves each and every one of us. We must show Him our faith through actions and He will prepare the way for us to keep His commandments. Let us show our faith to Him by keeping His commandments, and I know that if we do so we will see miracles whether they be small or large. This I say in His sacred name, Amen
Bailey- ya sabes que querÃa decirte.
Clay- How does it feel to be the only boy?...I can only imagine...
Lexi- I love you and hope you are practicing soccer daily. O and BTW, Happy Birthday!!!!! Last year you wrote me and said that when I get home you would be 11. I can't believe that that is coming true.
Leah- Sorry I didn't get to respond to your letter. Crazy that you went to a Rampage game. I wish you a Happy Birthday as well!
Bella- Marcel told me how he was able to talk to you the other day. He said you sounded all grown up! Keep being a good girl!
Collins- You keep getting prettier everyday. I wonder if you took my reign as the best baby?
Capri- 11lbs! Congrats! Eat them vegetables.
Mom- I love you and miss you a bunch. Some of those Oakley pants for xmas would be sweet. Some stance socks would be more even more legit. Some more of my mission cards because I ran out. Some BYU Nike gear and some Spurs shirts. Love you a bunch!
Dad- Honestly makes me so happy to hear about your missionary work. You have always been such a great example to me. I hope you are loving these babies (Clay included). There really all are daddy's girls no? I'll try and be my best as I represent Christ, you and the fam out here in Quito.
With much love, Elder Kimball