Week: 85 Cangahua, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Moreira/ Quevedo Ecuador
Colton's Address:
Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Quito Ecuador
Elder Moreira's first Baptism! Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
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1. Service Time! 2. Elder Moreira at work, 3. Us Elders before our sunburns 4. My model pose Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
With the Hermana Edita Porozo planting her garden Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
Well this week, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve of Apostles is here in Ecuador!!!! The whole mission is pretty stoked and I am too.
This past week we spent most of our days serving. It started with our mamita on Sunday, Edita Porozo, asking us for help in her garden. We said we would, but someone fogot the sunscreen (not like I would of used it anyways). We worked really hard and were able to clear out all the weeds and got the seeds the church gave her all planted. I'm not going to lie. I got a little sunburned but the lobster color made me feel at home.
Carnaval was well spent!!!! (in the house....). WE helped the Yepez familia prepare by filling up balloons but unfortunately Elder Moreira and I had to go to the house( Mission Rules). But a couple photos were taken to catch the fun.
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1. In case you thought I didn't work 2. Elder Perry ruining my shirt 3. Los Tres Amigos & Elder Moreira wearing his Spurs shirt with pride! Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
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Dinner with the Yepez Familia and getting the balloons ready for Carnaval with them. Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
The Yepez Familia! Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
I was telling the Yepez family how we helped the Hermana Edita plant some seeds and I said that we could help them make a little garden. They decided that we rip up the whole back patio and see if we could get a field back there. I mean I guess if they wanted to we were ready to help. After tearing up most of the back patio, I thought that it was a good thing they weren't renting this place....until I found out they were renting this place. William (Lider Misional) said that we would just keep the dirt just in case the owner came back. I thought about how mad my mom would have been if she was the owner. So we are getting the garden down and hopeing to start planting this week!
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1.Doing service, 2.Kissing the bicep, 3.Elder Moreira when he almost fell 4, My face when they told me they were just renting the property. Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
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1.Batter up, 2.All in uniform, 3.Elder Moreira playing in the dirt, &still working! Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
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1. The return of chuckie (my stomach) 2. Elder Moreira and William our Ward Mission Leader 3. Doing Squats, 4. Those cement tiles are heavier than they look! Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
Wiliam, Elder Moreira and I getting the work done! Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
Speaking of the Yepez, don't know if you remember the dad that was drunk and wouldn't give them money to eat. Well we started teaching him and he is planning to be baptized in March. I think celebrating his birthday really showed him that we care about him. Even his daughter is planning to be baptized in March. President promised that we would see miracles in March and who knew that we actually would. With sacrifices, there are blessings.
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Elder Moreira and his first baptism, Ricardo. The Elders from the other side of our area asked him to baptize. Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
My classic "Kimball" face Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
Watch this video:
Stay Within the Lines
President Richardson shared with us the mormon message to help prepare us for the visit of Elder Holland. Althought the message does not apply to all of us, I know it can still help us all. Repentance is key. I know it is hard. I have done it and more than once. It is something that has helped me become the person God wants me to be. Even though we make mistakes, God still loves us but He does not accept even the littlelest bit of sin. Let us try to be more spiritually clean. It is something that I know that I have struggled with, am struggling with, and will struggle with, but as long as I remember whose side I am on that is what matters.
18Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord : though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18)
Let us be clean, and I know that we will be blessed!
Elder Kimball
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1.Pig Intestines with cabbage and rice 2. At least we tried it! 3. With the Hermana Marcia making pig intestines Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 |
Bailey- Heard you broke the sabbath. Exodus 31:14-15
Clay- Heard you feeling weak these days Ether 12:27
Lexi- How's school? You making alot of friends?
Leah- You're still in soccer right? Keep working hard!
Bella- Try to help Grandma and Grandpa out this week! Mosiah 2:17
Collins- Mom and Dad will be back before you know it! Don't cry too much!
Capri- Keep eating fatty!
Mom- Enjoy Antartica or as Lexi says Aunt Artica! Take pictures and don't play Rook too much!
Dad- Thanks for writing me something other than sports! Love you Dad and enjoy the trip!
Elder Kimball
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