Date: June 8, 2015Week: 50 Lago Agrio, EcuadorCompanion: Elder Lares/PeruColton's Address: Quito Ecuador North MissionFrancisco Robles E-4 151 Av AmazonasEdificio Iglesia de JesucristoQuito, EcuadorEmail Address:
At Imelda's House for her son's birthday Lago Agrio, Ecuador June 2015 |
Don't hate me...I'm just being silly Lago Agrio, Ecuador June 2015 |
Hello Everyone!
I´m doing fine out here, just letting everyone know! I guess it's officially summer. For me, it doesn't feel like it...but doesn´t matter, I´m a missionary.
Elder Lares and I had a blast this week. We went to Imeldas house on Monday for a Family Home Evening and it was her son's birthday so we got some cake. As you can tell from the pictures it was pretty fun and I did a little solo of the Happy Birthday song and if only I could show you guys that greatness.
The Zone Leaders went to Quito this week for The Mission Council and for the month of May meetings. We ended with 71 confirmations with over 100 rescues! In my zone we just ended with 2 confirmations and 3 or so rescues, but we should do better this month of June. Elder Lares and I just rescued Micaela and Rebeca Garcia Gordon yesterday so we are pretty stoked for that! We have the plan of ending the month with 4 confirmations and 3 rescues for just our companionship.
"Ecuador Love Life!" My district Lago Agrio Ecuador, June 2015 |
They didn't like the BYU poncho:( Lago Agrio, Ecuador June 2015 |
Me and my bro, Elder Lares Lago Agrio, Ecuador June 2015 |
People we have planned for Baptism:
Imelda Cuenca- She is doing well. She stopped selling alcohol and cigarrettes!!! After a whole year we will finally be getting this woman to be a member. She practically is a member just that whole time she would sell alcohol so she couldn´t get baptized, but after much prayer and fasting she has dumped the drinks! She will be getting baptized the 20th and there is no doubt about it! I am excited for her! Tomorrow Elder Lares and I have a planned service to go and paint her store to make it more attractive so she can get some more business.
Melissa Pogo- We have Melissa who is Isamar's sister. She is awesome. She has attended the church twice, so she needs one more and she's good to go. When she was little she attended church with her aunt alot. She thought she was a member but we looked for her in the system and she isn't there. Melissa couldn´t come to church yesterday because she went to Quito for a doctors appointment for her daughter. She is excited for her baptism and I think Isamar is happy to have another family member join the church.
Daniel (Tily) and Jasmine- These two kids are awesome. They really are a blessing from God. They both accepted to be baptized from lesson 1 and have been completing with all their commitments. They travel 20 kilometers every Sunday to get to church. Their brother Pablo is preparing himself to be able to baptize them. Tily is ten years old and Jasmine is 16. It's awesome to see the sacrifices people make to be part of the Church.
I am excited for all these people and I´m praying that everything will go swell the 20th of June. Another set of Elders in our district had 15 investigators that attended church! So Elder Lares as district leader was super stoked for them. Last year the numbers for Orient had been dipping but we are starting to get the Orient back as the king of the mission.
Jorge and I Lago Agrio, Ecuador June 2015 |
These guys love taking selfies Lago Agrio Ecuador June 2015 |
They now go out with us everyday cause we cool. Jorge Macias and Pablo Lopez. Lago Agrio, Ecuador June 2015 |
I had a pretty cool experience this past week when a family here asked me to bless their baby. I met the Familia MaridueƱa in my first 6 weeks here when I worked in the other sector. I literally only visited their house one time, but I guess I made an impression on them because three or so months later they asked me to give thier baby a blessing. It was neat experience. I was hoping the father could have done it but at this point in his life he couldn't.
As he gave me the baby Sunday, it hit me that I was holding a little baby. Tears started to rush in because it sort of reminded me of my family. All I had really done was a put a smile on my face and let this family know that we care about them and desire their eternal salvation and now they are almost rescued back into the church.
So that experience reminded me of eternal families. How crazy is it that we can live with our families forever? It's impossible that we can even comprehend this concept. The eternities have no end. I know that thanks to temples we can be sealed to our families for forever. It's sad to have left my family for two years and to see that they keep having babies to replace their first one, but I left my eternal family for two years so that others could have theirs for eternity. I am grateful to be here in Ecuador, especially in Lago Agrio. I know that this is the true church of Jesus Christ. We are led by Prophets and Apostles who are inspired by God. We are all children of our Heavenly Father and because of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we can return to live with Him and our families again. I love you all and wish you a happy Summer!
Con Amor, Elder Kimball
Looks like the water in Africa that was loaded with crocodiles Lago Agrio, Ecuador June 2015 |
Selfies for dayz... Lago Agrio, Ecuador June 2015 |
And more selfies.... Lago Agrio, Ecuador June 2015 |
Yep, saw this snake in a tree on P-day. Included it just for my Nana. Lago Agrio, Ecuador June 2015 |
Bailey- I know my email to you was pretty rude but in all reality those are Grade A Colton answers but if you want Elder Kimball answers you'll have to specify. I have a question for you: How does it feel to be heading into your last year of school? P.S Please don't do a Senior Sunday insta post before you even step into school. Oh and thanks for the insta pics...
Clay: Bro whats up man? I miss you dude! You going to be playing football this year? or sticking with golf. This year at Powell I want you to learn how to jump the wake. I never could :(
Lexi- I forgot to tell you how good your comedy routine was. Where did you get those great jokes!? You better win the Lake Powell obstacle course race thingy or at least beat Leah!
Leah- What up Sweetie? How bout letting Lexi win the Lake Powell race this year? Help a sista out! (literally)
Bella- I think you and Collins are going to be the best looking Kimball Kids. You are one cute kid and I miss you alot! I hope you do well in the Lake Powell talent show this year. Your comedy sketch should win!
Collins! Haha The funny thing is that you haven't even hit a year yet and you have already been to Lake Powell twice. You are one blessed kid!. Last year we were talking about having mom helicoptered out if her water broke well looks like we will be saying the same thing since Mom is yet again pregnant. Love you lots!
Mother- Well first off sorry for the pregnant jokes. I really don't know any of your guys summer plans so you should tell what the deal is. Hope you enjoy Lake Powell! It sound likes it'll be a blast!
Queen Amy-I expect the teenage boat to meet expectations. And if you want to play a little "Sexy and I know it" in memory of me I wouldn't mind.
Dalton- Not sure if you are at Lake Powell but I'm assuming you are, and if you're not well now I know it won't be as cool. I have been through quite a few Lake Powell's without The Dalton and they aren't as fun. Keep it sexy, Bro!
Rollin- Well as you know that letter you promised my sister after 6 months of mission has not come so you were wrong. I have yet to cry myself to sleep due to all the teasing and pain I caused my siblings. None. Zero. Zip. Haha... no but I guess I do miss´em like you said I would. And I think the only persons advice I have actually used out here in the mission is yours. Maybe you were trying to get me to apply it with my siblings, but don't worry I have applied it with my companions!
Dad- Once again you are proving to me what a great dad you really are. Taking the kids to Lake Powell sounds like a blast. I love you dad and miss you (and as you know) the most. Keep it fresh out there!
Love you all, Elder Kimball
Editors Note: Sorry for the late post of last weeks email. We were obviously at Lake Powell and without any interest coverage!