Date: May 11, 2015
Week: 46, Lago Agrio
Companion: Elder Lares/ Peru
Elder Lares, Elder Rubisch and I¡Lago Agrio! Ecuador May 2015 |
Happy Mothers day to all those mothers out there. What a great time it is to be a mom! As some of you know, I had the opportunity to speak with my mother and the rest of my family yesterday. In which of course I said "Feliz Dia de la Madre" and of course she thought I said Feliz Navidad which means Merry Christmas. I hope all moms out there had a great mothers day!
I spoke with my family and they are all doing well. I was very calm for the call and I have yet to cry in one of the phone calls. I have just been holding it in! My family says I haven't changed that much physically but they say I have changed a good amount spiritually. My Dad would like me to say that I am not near the Amazon rivers. These are just little tibituataries that are near the Amazons.
As for my week, it went well. We will be having another baptism this Saturday for Richard. His name is actually John Ricardo Mendoza Quinteros. But they all call him Richard. Richard has 20 years and he dates one of the young women in our ward. At first we thought he just wanted to be baptized to please his girlfriend but has told us many times that he is not doing this for his girlfriend. Just last week he recieved his answer that the church is true. He got it in a dream. He said he saw his future family and that he would serve a mission. It was so cool! I hope that he can go on a mission one day!
Richard passed his interview for baptism yesterday and will be getting baptized this Saturday. We are all very proud of him. Elder Valentine will also be having a baptism with us. Our goal for the Zone is to have 18 baptisms and 15 reactivated members in the month of May. Elder Lares and I have put goals of 2 baptisms and 3 reactivations for the month of May. We will have Richard as a baptism and we have another investigator with the date of the 31st of May and we are reactivating the Garcia Gordon Family(3). We are going to try and get past our goals.
My Mother's Day rose for my Mom
Lago Agrio, Ecuador May 2015 |
My full body shot
Lago Agrio, Ecuador May 2015 |
A cool experience I had yesterday was during church when Elder Lares started feeling queezy. He didn't eat lunch and he called the mission nurse and she said to drink gatorade or water and take a pill. I then gave him a pill that I had bought for him at the beginning of this transfer. He refused to take it. We went to the house and he layed down for twenty minutes and I woke him up to go to branch council. He got really mad at me saying he need to sleep all day. I said let's just go to branch council and you can return to the house with another Elder to sleep. He then got super mad at me and of course and as we were walking to the church it started to rain super hard. Of course his umbrella snaps and he turns around and basically says.."Is this what you want?" Wow... okay...
So we got to the church completly soaked. Like no lie, we were soaked! We go into branch council and in the middle of it he gets up and leaves. I then have to go find where he went since he is my companion. Of course he is in the primary room laying on a table trying to sleep. I try to talk to him saying, "Hey let's go back to the house if you are sick." He says to get out or he'll punch me. I couldn't believe some of the stuff he was saying cause I had been so nice to him the entire change. I had to go get Elder Rubisch to talk to him because he did not want to talk to me.
Elder Rubisch talked with me for a little bit before and said that everything was going to be alright because he could tell I was a little stressed and worked up about it. He told me that we were going to have a prayer and then go in there and talk to my companion. We had a prayer and then my whole attitude to the situation changed. I was reminded who I was again, and who I represented. It made me see how small and dumb the situation was and if my companion felt like being a primary child today I would just have to go in there and show him more attention.
My companion ended up being fine. He apologized to me and told what a great companion I was and all that jazz. But it really doesn't matter. The point that I am trying to get at is that sometimes we are so focused in that we are only seeing the smallest, littlest part. We sometimes have to zoom out of the situation that we are in, and see how easy it can be to get out. I have to credit Elder Rubisch with the idea of saying the prayer. What a good guy.
Well that's basically my week in a nutshell. I love being out here in the jungle. We have transfers this Sunday so I could go or stay, it all depends on what God says. I will try and update you guys next week if something happens.
Until then love you all,
Elder Kimball
Bailey- Thanks for talking to me yesterday. You are awsome! Siga adelante!
Clay- What up bro? I appreciate the instagram post. You are good bro. Its looks like it's just me and you to look after all these girls.
Lexi- You look more prettier than ever. Your French has improved!
Leah- Thank you for talking to me. Although you almost cried, you fought through it! I am also proud of your three goals in soccer you got on Saturday!
Bella- I love your hair. You look so pretty like that! Thank you for talking to me and thank you for showing me your ipad. I loved seeing it.
Collins- Now that I have seen a little bit of video of you crying, maybe your aren't all what your cracked up to be! Ha!
Kash & Cougar- Welcome to the Kimball Fam! Editors Note: Colton found out on Sunday that we are indeed pregnant with twin girls. However, since he chose the name Kash and Cougar for twin boys years ago he has decided to call them that no matter what!
Mother- Again Happy Mothers Day! I love you and appreciate everything you have done for me. Keep being a great mom! Looks like you just signed a contract extension for the next 18 years....
Dad- Thanks for your advise yesterday. I can see that you and the fam are doing well and y'all don't miss me that much. I hope I can keep making you proud out here!
Love you all!
Elder Kimball