Week: 21 Ofelia, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Macalopu
I've found the equator. I always knew it was marked with a yellow line all the way around! Ofelia, Ecuador November 2014 |
Tuesday- I sat down and talked with Elder Macalopu about the way he acts towards me. He really is a cool guy, he just has these mood swings that I have to get used to.
Wednesday- We visited Letty and she wants to make us a Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving is on the day of Elder Maclopus Cumplemes (Day we complete another month in the mish) so we are going to be having Turkey! By the way Letty keeps singing "I'll be home for Christmas" to bother me. She likes to rub it in that she actually will be home for Christmas.
Thursday- We actually served someone! People here usually don't need service because they are so well off but Victor helped us out. Victor bought some old fridge and we cleaned it out for him and then a member walked by the gated community and Victor waved him over. Victor decided to give him the fridge. So we then moved a fridge four blocks up hill by hand. Lets just say my back does not appreciate me right now but hey it was for Victor!
Friday- Eduardo was like hey guys I am going back to the coast today so this is our last lesson. It was pretty sad but then he ended up not leaving so we were just mad at him for lying.
Saturday- Helped Victor clean out a room in his house. Victor is progressing. He really likes hanging out with us and he loves showing all his friends his Gringo friend. Ha!
Sunday- Studies in the morning. Ward council at 11. Lunch at 12:30. Church at 2. Only went to 4 today. Victor showed up at four. It doesn't count as an attendance but it was nice of him to show up. Transmition with Area Presidency for all ward councils. Basically got machetted for 2 and half hours. Ended at 7:30. Finally left the church and went to eat with Hermana Letty and some other Elders, She fed us Corn bread! I brought along Elder Mott because he is from Texas and I wanted him to meet Letty.
Elder Macalopu and I at the Middle of Mundo (the world) Ofelia Ecuador, November 2014 |
Llama time! Ofelia Ecuador, November 2014 |
Me with the llama Ofelia, Ecuador November 2014 |
That's my week in a nutshell. Things are going well with Elder Macalopu! Nothing to really worry about. Just keep my mouth shut when he is mad, and when he wants to talk we talk. He is starting to open up alot more so its fun. Today we went to Mitad del Mundo. That was a blast. We were joking around with the mannequins and stuff and it was cool to go to a tourist attraction. It was full of gringos there! Tons of English. I didn't like that there were a bunch of gringos because the tour guides thought I only spoke English. Fetch peeps I am Bilingual! I didn't get a chance to go to the offices today so I have to wait till next week to see if I have a package. I wouldn't mind some peanut butter. They don't have that here!
Mitad del Mundo Ofelia, Ecuador November 2014 |
That's me with my feet on each side of the equator! Ofelia, Ecuador November 2014 |
Me and the statue there Ofelia, Ecuador November 2014 |
Up on top Ofelia Ecuador November 2014 |
Well Elder Macalopu found some peeps to teach besides Victor! We found this family that is really intrested in the church. We haven't officially met with them but have a cita tomorrow. The daughter came up to us at church and was like "I want to be baptized". I call it the "Jack Goodwin Bautismo". Her Dad is somewhat a member. He might have to be rebaptized because his papers are bad. All I really know is that they have the desire so I am excited. Elder Perry and Elder Marshall baptized a family on Saturday so that was awesome, and the Hermanas have a baptism this weekend, The lady asked Elder Macalopu to baptize her so that's sweet. I am going to try and get Victor to come. Victor loves to talk about how I have zero baptisms. But I think he is secretly wants to be my first baptism.
Me trying to preach the Gospel Ofelia, Ecuador November 2014 |
Me still trying with a Restoration pamphlet Ofelia, Ecuador November 2014 |
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Me in my Otavalan suit Ofelia, Ecuador November 2014 |
Fooling around… Ofelia Ecuador November 2014 |
Having a little fun with the mannequins Ofelia Ecuador, November 2014 |
Bout time someone listens Ofelia, Ecuador November 2014 |
Well thats the whole investigator situation. I am hopinhg for big things. My faith is on high right now.
The first few weeks were hard people. I wondered why the Lord told the mission president to send me here? I wondered why I had to leave Esmeraldas and come to the cold city where it would be even harder to help people? I wondered why my companion would refuse to talk to me and would give me zero slack? However, in all honesty now I have answers. Really I feel as though this is the perfect place for me and Elder Macalopu is the perfect companion for me. I feel so much stronger and so much more spiritually sound. I know I have said it a million times but the Lord makes us work to recieve our blessings. We first are tested and then we really recieve our Faith. My Dad has always loved trails. Literally I thought he was an idiot at first. Why in the world would anyone in the world be excited for difficult times? But now I realize why. It's the only why we can grow! It's the only way we can really feel what the Savior felt. Be excited to be here people! You need to know that you have a Savior and Father in Heaven that love you, and the only way that can happen is if you really feel the power of the Atonement. Know that there are people in this world that don't even know what the Atonement is because they have never gotten the chance to know. Ask yourself do you know what the Atonement is? People, life is hard but like a stone cut out of a mountain (Daniel 2:44) our falling will shape and refine us!
Love you guys!
Collins- What up! You sort of look like Bella, with the blonde hair and all.
Bella- Nice American girl doll. How's school? Hope you are keeping the boys away!
Leah! Happy Birthday again! Heard soccer ended! Soccer never ends here. I feel like its year round!
Lexi! Why do you look 13? You are so tall! Maybe thats why you are so stinking good at goalie!
Clay! Hoped you liked NYC! I like the little mini person you have of me! Why are you such a fool!?Give me a blue byu tie next week for church!
Bailey! I appreciated your letter this week! Bout time you write me! Keep working on Physics. Memorize the Formulas and its easy. Also how was babysitiing the girls?
Mother! The peanut butter comment was directed toward you. I need it! I got the Ecuadorian shirt a couple weeks back. I should have a package in the office next week! You should also be expecting a package from me:)
Father! That video is hilarious. I'll tell Stalyn about it and I am sure he will love it! Of course you are going viral while I am out and about! BYU basketball still scares me. I don't have my hopes up. 95- 90 win over Long Beach State does not make me listo for this season. Ooo and Letty is moving from NJ to SA and I told her to move as close to the temple as possible. Love you Dad!
Peace out Peeps!
Elder Kimball
P.S 5 months has flown by...….
Me and this scary mask Ofelia, Ecuador November 2014 |
Making my own armored car video Ofelia, Ecuador November 2014 |
I'm in two places at once! North and South of the Equator Ofelia, Ecuador November 2014 |
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