Monday, May 25, 2015

More MAYO on that, Please...

Date: May 25, 2015
Week: 48 Lago Agrio, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Lares/Peru
Colton's Address: Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Quito, Ecuador
Email Address:

At my favorite restaurant....KFC!
Lago Agrio, Ecuador May 2015
 I love May! What a great month it has been! I'm here in the middle of Ecuador and loving it! Couldn't ask for more! Elder Lares and I are still planning on having a baptism this week for Imelda Cuenca. She had her interview yesterday and she passed and everything, she just has to quit selling alcohol before this Saturday. She has been investigating for a year and never was baptized because she sells alcohol, or in her words she sells beer not alcohol. So many missionaries have taught her so I feel as though many missionaries will be happy to see her baptism.  However,  we just got word that President has decided to come out here this Saturday for an ultimate reunion and interview session for all the misfit toys, I mean missionaries out here in the Orient. We have to go on a bus to Coca by 8 am and we will be there all day, so I don't know how we will do the baptism of Imelda. But I am hoping for the best!

As you know Elder Lares is now district leader out here and he is doing a great job. We recieved one of the new missionaries in the district last week and his name is Elder Aliaga. He trained Elder Lares so that's pretty cool. Elder Lares and I are surrounded by Elders that are close to finishing their missions. Elder Castillo and Elder Ramirez finish at the end of this change and Elder Aliaga the change after. Elder Rubisch the change after that. (Editors Note: A change is every six weeks.) So they always make fun of us since we have less time in the mission. Elder Lares and I will have a year left this Sunday so that's crazy.... Time really flies! Elder Lares wants to burn one of his white shirts. I feel that would be against the rules... HAHA (Editors Note: Colton was told his release date would be May 31, 2016 so that is why this Sunday will be his date of having one year left in the mission.)
So tired sometimes....
Lago Agrio, Ecuador May 2015
Hmmm... what else? Elder Valentine was secretary in the branch but since he left Elder Castillo had to call a new secretary. He called both my companion and I to do it so that's kinda a cool. I finally hooked up the cd player to the speaker system in the church so we can use the hymns during the sacrament. What an upgrade! We went from mumbling hymns to being able to keep a beat.

 I sort of do all the technology stuff in the church. It's not like I know anything, I just rememebering hooking up the projector with Coach McDaniels before high school football games so I know how to work the projector in the church. I was able to download all the photos that I took of the members and upload them into the church system to put a name with a face. I just got to get a hang of the microphone system with the sacrament prayers and speakers. I love serving out here in the branch. A great spirit is felt here with some new members joing the church.

Well other than being branch secretary and going to have a baptism this week or next I am unsure what else I can put! I love you all and hope all is well in the states. Happy Memorial Day!

BAILEY- Hows school? Coming to a close?
CLAY- BYU father/son looked like a blast. I loved that camp and have only been once.
LEXI- Soccer is closing up! Keep practicing! You should start throwing the frisbee around
LEAH- Good job in your relay! Finish up school right!
BELLA- You are the second prettiest in the family behind Collins of course!
COLLINS! What up homie? I totally forgot to put you on here last week. OOPS!
Mom. Thanks for getting my packages out. Any more summer plans!?
Dad- BYU looked awesome. I was thinking that I'll get to go with you once I get back from the mission but then I remembered I would be an grown-up:(

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