Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Elder Holland in the House

Date: February 23, 2016
Week: 86 Cangahua, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Moreira/ Quevedo Ecuador
Colton's Address:
Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Quito Ecuador
The Ecuador Quito North Mission
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016

Telling us to say our name and where we're from. Elder Kimball, San Antonio, Texas
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016
A little one on one with Elder Holland
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016
Well this week, was sweet. We started by inviting the Familia Yepez to be baptized. Carlos (the dad) acepted a date for the 5th of March along with his daughter Carla for the fifth as well. Elder Moreira and I are really seeing the miracles that March will bring us for our faith that we have shown in February. They have progressed a bunch in the time that I have worked with them and although it has taken longer than I would have liked, it is great to finally see them choosing the right.

As you can tell from the pictures they have cats and I am not the biggest fan of cats, and in fact I hate them. I chill with dogs but I love them more with my eyes. Well let's just say the apple fell really far from the tree in the case of Elder Moreira.

Elder Moreira Always playing with the Cats
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016
Elder Holland came and visited us and only sent a few missionaries home. Just kidding, he didn't send anyone home. He said that we have a nice, clean mission. President and Hermana Richardson were proud about that. The words of Elder Holland were absolutly amazing. I wish I could just send what he said right on over, but I can't. But I can tell that to have an apostle in your presence is absolutely amazing! I will quote one thing from memory by saying  " I don't think a day has passed by in which I haven't thought about my mission. 53 years, 3 months, and 11 days have passed and a day has not gone by in which I havn't thought about that short period of time. I do not know where I would be today if I hadn't served my mission. I was going to be the captain of the basketball team. My parents suggested to continue studying. There were 101 reasons for me to not serve a mission. But I went. I am sure that when my mission president saw me get off the plane, his eyes rolled back into his head, and asked himself 'From what part of the world did this poor boy come from?'. I did not have the slighest idea of what the mission even was. What cloths to take? What shoes to take? What I was to do? I was lost. Elders and Sisters, (with tears in his eyes) I can assure you that I would not be here with you in Quito if I had not served my mission."
After Elder Holland has seen into my soul
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016

Where's Elder Holland?
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016

1. Hermano William and I 2.Enjoying my new suntan 3. Buying Eggs in Ecuador (Chickhen and All
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016
The bishop asked me to give a talk on Sunday. I decided to base my talk given by Brother Hyrum W. Smith  in 1988 to a group of students at Ricks College. The talk went a little something like this:

Start with the year 0 in your notes. Just write these very quickly. 
The year 0: the Savior was born. It wasn’t really the year 0. Five centuries later, they decided it
ought to be the year 0 because that was a significant event, so it is now, in our
calendars, the year 0.

30 A.D. is the next date you need to write. The Savior is now a grown man. We
don’t know a great deal about His first thirty years. We have a scripture in Hebrews that says He grew in stature and wisdom and that sort of thing, but we don’t know alot about His first thirty years.
33 A.D., third date. Three years after His ministry He had established a church.
Called and established a specific form for that church. Rejected by the people and He was crucified. 33 A.D. At that point, it was the charge of the apostles and
the organization of the church at that point to go throughout the world, strengthen and build the church.

The next date you need to write is 42 A.D. In 42 A.D., Peter went to Rome and
established the Church in Rome. He ordained a bishop in Rome by the name of Linus. Linus is the man to whom the Catholics retrace their historical lineage.
In 43 A.D., the next date you need to write, Paul, performing the function that
apostles still perform, went back to Rome to see how the church was doing.
Discovered that in one short year, the church under the Bishop Linus had completely apostatized from what Peter had established. Read the first chapter of Romans in the New Testament, understanding that that chapter was written upon Paul’s return fromRome and described what he found there. As a result of this apostasy that had taken place in Rome, Paul established a new leader of the church in Rome, a deacon by the name of Linus as well. History kind of gets messed up here between the two Linuses but understand the deacon Linus was the authorized leader of the Church of Jesus Christ in Rome. Bishop Linus was an aberrant church already.
The next date you need to write is 64 A.D. In 64 A.D., Nero, then in charge in Rome, a little screwy, but he had Linus the deacon killed. When Linus the deacon was killed, the Church of Jesus Christ–the authorized, sanctioned Church of Jesus Christdisappeared from Rome. The Christian church under the Bishop Linus was still there and surviving.

The next date you need to writeis 70 A.D. In 70 A.D., the Roman Tenth Legion
came down through the Armagaeddon Valley under the direction of General Silva.
Destroyed the city of Jerusalem. Between 70 A.D. and 1948, the Jewish people had nowhere to call home. They were spread throughout the world. No homeland for the Jews until 1948.
The next date we need to write is about 78 A.D., about I say because we’re not sure of the actual date–it was about 7 or 8 years after the destruction of Jerusalem. The Bishop Linus–at that point, the church was called the Church of Rome–received a letter from one of his people, and in this letter the person said, “You know, we really are a universal church.” And Linus thought about that and said, “You know, we really are a universal church. We are trying to appeal to everyone in Rome. Why don’t we call ourselves the universal church?” At that point, they became known as the Roman Catholic Church.

The next date you need to write is 96 A.D. In 96 A.D., John, the Revelator, banished to the isle of Patmos. Understand that up to that point it was the role of the apostles to go out through the world and build the church. They had some success but not a lot. All of the apostles, save John, were killed, many of them in ugly ways. Peter, for example, was crucified in Rome. Didn’t feel worthy to be crucified the same way the Savior was so he asked if they would mind turning him upside down. They graciously accommodated him and he died on his head on a cross. 
96 A.D., John is the last one left. He goes to the isle of Patmos. Between 96 and 101, the Book of Revelation is written and John disappears. Until latter-day revelation, no one ever knew what happened to John. But in 101 A.D., the apostasy was complete. No one on the earth now authoritatively capable of saying, “Thus saith the Lord” because no one on the earth was speaking to the Lord. The apostasy now complete.

The next date you need to write: 320 A.D. In 320 A.D.–understand that between 101 and 320 A.D., life for the Christians was an ugly experience, even the Christians under the Bishop Linus. The Christians you read about in the catacombs of Rome were not the Christians that Paul had established, but they were the apostate group.They had an ugly time.
In 320 A.D., Constantine, now in charge, he had an
interesting problem. He had a nation of people of all different kinds of religions. He
was bugged by that, and so he sent some of the learned people, about 380 of them, over to a place called Nicea and the first Nicene council was held. The charter was given to these people by Constantine and it was, “I want you to describe God. Define God. You tell me what God is all about and that’s the way everybody will believe.” They went away for several weeks and came back and presented Constantine with a document that is known as the Nicene Creed. Brothers and Sisters, if you have not read and are familiar with the Nicene Creed, you ought to be. Read it this week. In essence it says: “God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are one. They’re not really one, but they’re sort of one, because they’re kind of one, we think they ought to be one, therefore they are one.” Read it. You need to understand it. That document is the basic document now that is accepted by most of the Christian faiths in the world as a description of God.

We find now, the beginnings now, the Roman Catholic church now becomes the
formal church of state. Up until this time, it was just trying to survive. Now it
becomes the church and this is the way people are going to believe. A period of
history begins now called the Reign of the Popes. Was this a religiously tolerant time,brothers and sisters? No. The popes were not just ecclesiastical leaders. They became emperors and kings as well.
The next date you need to write is 785 A.D. 785, Empress Irene was in charge. She had another council in the same place. She sent her learned people off to Nicea. In the Second Nicene Council, the canonization of saints takes place. Idol worship enters into the Catholic Church. Understand, brothers and sisters, that you cannot read European history and Catholic history as two separate histories. They are the same. Who wrote history back then? The only ones who could read and write were primarily the clergy, and a few wealthy.

Alright, the next date you need to write is 900 A.D. In approximately 900–the exact date is not pinpointed–there was a woman pope. The Catholic Church denies this; the Lutheran Church has detailed documentation. There was a pope in charge. Four years into that reign as pope, this pope became pregnant. This was very embarrassing to the Catholic Church and she is known as Pope 
Joanna. She just disappeared.

The next date you need to write is 1100 A.D. In 1100 A.D., there were three popes. They broke off from each other, three different European cities. They all excommunicated each other and then went to war to prove who was the only true and living pope.The Apostasy was very real.
The next date we need to write is 1200 A.D. In 1200 A.D., two significant events
took place. First, the advent of the printing press. Up until 1200 A.D., how many
people could read? Not many. The printing press surfaces and has a major impact on the culture in Europe in the next hundred years. We’ll talk about that in a moment.

The next event, the man in charge in Rome: Pope Innocent III. Pope Innocent III was known in history as The Boss Pope. He was fighting wars all the time. He was fighting on three fronts. Started to run out of money. Decided he needed a creative way of raising money for his wars. And so he initiated in the church a money-making program called the Sale of Indulgences. This was a significant event 300 years later; we’ll discover why in a moment. The Sale of Indulgences simply means you can pay to have your sins remitted. “I’m going to Vegas for the weekend, Bishop. Here’s a thousand bucks. Cover me.” “You’re covered.”

The next date you need to write is 1300 A.D. 1300 A.D., revolution begins in Europe,not a revolution of knives and swords, but a cultural revolution. That revolution is known and we refer to it now as The Renaissance. European culture turns upside-down. One of the reasons was the advent of the printing press. More people had more information. Questions started to be asked that never had been asked before and the culture turns upside down. 

The next date we need to write is 1492. Surely, what happened in 1492. You got that right. Columbus, a product of the Renaissance, was part of a growing number that said, “You know, this is not a flat world. It’s round.” And so he conned the queen out of three boats and he finds the New World.
The next date we need to write, very few short years later, 1515 A.D. Martin Luther surfaces.
 515, Martin Luther, an Augustinian monk, one of the highest orders in the Catholic Church, a product of the Renaissance, he had access to many of the ancient documents. He had a major problem. His problem was the Sale of Indulgences. He said, “I don’t think that’s right. I can’t find anything in the ancient writings that the Savior said anything about the sale of indulgences.”Ultimately, he developed 95 questions that bothered him a lot. He nailed these questions to the door of the cathedral in Wuttenburg, Germany. That’s how he communicated. Took several weeks for people to wander by and see the questions. It bugged the church a lot. He was then pulled before several church courts and told,“Back off with your questions or you’ll be excommunicated.” 

Understand that excommunication in the 14th, 15th centuries was tantamount to death. Martin Luther did not want to destroy the Catholic Church. He loved the Catholic Church. He wanted to get back to what was being taught at the time of Christ. The next several years were not a good experience for Martin Luther. He would not back off from is questions. Next date you need to write is 1523. In 1523, Martin Luther was excommunicated from the church and the church put out a proclamation, saying, “We will not consider it murder to kill Martin Luther.” They put out a papal hit on Martin Luther. He had to go into hiding. He was protected by a group of wealthy German princes. The German princes, quite frankly, I don’t believe were particularly interested in his theology, but they were not interested in paying tribute to Rome any more. And so they created a church. Finally they talked Martin Luther into heading that church. He didn’t want to at first, but when they started trying to kill him, he decided he would. He became the head of the Lutheran Church. Brothers and sisters, if there is a people on the planet today that have a testimony of the Apostasy, it’s the Lutheran Church. That’s why they exist. They have documented it very carefully.

The next date you need to write is 1534. In 1534, King Henry VIII in England had a problem with his wife. He wanted to unload her. And so he went to the pope and said, “I want to divorce my wife.” The pope said, “You can’t do that. There is no divorce in the church.” He looked over at Germany and said, “You know, Luther’s doing all right. I think I’ll create my own thing.” And so he created the Church of England and it breaks from the Catholic Church. Was that a popular decision in
England? Really wasn’t. Many wars resulted. Ugly, terrible battles as a result of that decision. He was able then to get rid of his wife. No revelation. No saying, “I talked to somebody in heaven.” But he said, “I want to get rid of my wife.” A church starts. What church in America today is the Church of England? The Episcopal Church.

The next date you need to write is 1540. I’m just mentioning a couple of the major reformers. By the way, go back to 1515–the Reformation starts. There had been some earlier reformers but the major beginning of the Reformation really goes through Martin Luther. The reformation begins. 1540. Man by the name of John Calvin in Switzerland and France starts an organization called the Huguenots. He was a disciple of Martin Luther. Didn’t agree with everything that Luther was doing, but he said, “I think he’s on the right track. Something’s wrong.” The Huguenots begin. Presbyterians in America today. Next date is 1560. 1560 in England, John Knox. John Knox, a disciple of both Calvin and Luther, says “You know, I think they’re on the right track but they’re not totally on the right track. Think I’ll start my own thing.” And the Puritans begin.

The next date you need to write is 1575. 1575, an event took place in Paris, France,called Bartholomew Day. This was not an isolated incident, but I plug this in here to give you an idea as to how the Reformation was being received in Europe. Bartholomew Day, a pogrom took place in Paris, France. The Catholics rose up and destroyed every Protestant they could find. There was a bloodbath in Paris. Bartholomew Day. The Reformation was not a popular movement.

The next date you need to write is 1620, not too many years later. What happened in 1620? The Puritans come to America. Fed up now with the lack of the freedoms that they wanted, they came to America. 1620, a nation is invented. It was discovered by Columbus. It was invented by the Puritans. The United States of America has its humble beginnings. Between 1620 and 1776, a nation is born.
The next date you need to write is 1776. 1776, we’d had enough. We wrote a letter to King George. It said something like this: “We’re tired of your taxes. We don’t like your troops over here. In fact, we don’t like you. Will you take them home. We’re going to be our own thing.” Now that paraphrases the Declaration of Independence a little bit, but that’s basically what it said. An ugly war began. George was not very excited about that and for the next six years, a war. The Revolution. For some, miracle. May I suggest to you, having done a military study of the Revolution, there is no way that war could have been won without the direct intervention of God. I believe that with all my heart. 
1781’s the next date you need to write. The war ends.

1785 is the next date. A meeting begins in Philadelphia. They discover the Articles of Confederation are not working. We need another document. It took two more years, until 1787, to finish the Constitution. For the first time, in the incorporating papers of any nation on the planet, a guarantee of the freedom of religion was written into the constitution. 1787, it is signed at Independence Hall in Philadelphia.

The next date you need to write is 1805. How many years between 1787 and 1805? 18. Who was born in 1805? Joseph Smith. Now, maybe–maybe–the Church can survive again on the planet. The Prophet is born in upstate New York.
Next date you need to write is 1820. What happened in 1820? Joseph Smith, the boy prophet, goes into a grove of trees, wanting to know: “Something’s wrong. There are a lot of people teaching different things. What church should I join?” And the Lord and Jesus Christ appear to him and the Restoration begins.

The next date you need to write is 1830. 1830, the Church is formally
established on the earth. You might be interested to know that in 1830, in Washington, DC, the patent office, the US Patent Office, was closed. You can read in the congressional record for that year, “We’ve decided to close the patent office because everything has been invented that could possibly be invented.” 1830. It’s been opened since. More progress on this planet since 1830, brothers and sisters, than in all 5,000 years past. Now I’m going to ask you a question. Why was the gospel restored in 1820? Why didn’t the Lord appear to a young man in a grove of trees in Europe in 1512? If Martin Luther had come out of a grove of trees and said, “I just talked to God and Jesus Christ and you know that they said? We’re all messed up.” How long would he have survived? Twenty minutes, maybe? Not very long. I would suggest to you, brothers and sisters, that the reason the Lord restored the Church in 1820 is because that is the only time that it could possibly have survived on the planet. And it almost didn’t survive then. Was there religious freedom in America in 1830? No. Was Joseph Smith welcomed with “You talked to God and Christ? Boy, that’s exciting. Tell us what they had to say.” No, they weren’t excited about that. Ultimately, they had to leave the confines of the United States and come to a God-forsaken place called Salt Lake City to survive. Brigham Young did not say “This is the place.” He said, “This is the place?” No, that’s a joke. That’s a joke. That’s a joke. They had to come out here to survive.

There is another date we need to write in your notes. The date you need to
superimpose, you need to go back to 1817 and write in the birth of another person over in Europe. A man by the name of Karl Marx. You know who Karl Marx was, I trust. Is there any coincidence that the opposition raised up its leader the same time the Lord raised up His? I don’t think there was a coincidence. Who’s winning? How many LDS people are there today? Six million, or seven million. There are 700,000,000 communists. Is there a work for us to do? And that task is to take now and
export the reality of the fact that the gospel has been restored. No one between 96 and 1820 could authoritatively say “Thus saith the Lord.” Now we can. Why? Because there is a man on the planet today that can say “‘Thus saith the Lord’ because I speak with him."

The memebers really seemed to like it and trust me to translete most of it to Spanish was not an easy task. Well People, Thanks for reading my letter this week. If you have made it this far in the journey it means you really love me so keep it up.
Much love,
Elder Kimball

Bailey- Sorry about BYU, looks like I didn't do too much better! Just know your beautiful and brillant!
Clay- Hope your arm is better. At least its given me a subject to write you about. Keep be awesome!
Lexi- Mom and dad will be back from Aunt Artica in no time.
Leah- Hows G&G? Hope you are being good!
Bella- Hows the phone life? I don't even remember what its like to have a phone!
Collins- Your Fat! but a good fat, thanks for lending some to Capri. She needed it.
Capri- Mom and Dad will be back soon. P.S there are too many baies in that house.
Mom- Thanks for your encouraging words! Hope you are loving the end of the world. Get a selfie with a penguin for me!
Dad- Thanks for everything dad! P.S Thanks for telling me that something happened with Taysom but then not tell me!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Eagle Has Landed

Date: February 16, 2016
Week: 85 Cangahua, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Moreira/ Quevedo Ecuador
Colton's Address:
Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Quito Ecuador
Elder Moreira's first Baptism!
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016

1. Service Time! 2. Elder Moreira at work, 3. Us Elders before our sunburns 4. My model pose
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 

With the Hermana Edita Porozo planting her garden
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016 

Well this week, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve of Apostles is here in Ecuador!!!! The whole mission is pretty stoked and I am too. 

This past week we spent most of our days serving. It started with our mamita on Sunday, Edita Porozo, asking us for help in her garden. We said we would, but someone fogot the sunscreen (not like I would of used it anyways). We worked really hard and were able to clear out all the weeds and got the seeds the church gave her all planted. I'm not going to lie. I got a little sunburned but the lobster color made me feel at home. 

Carnaval was well spent!!!! (in the house....). WE helped the Yepez  familia prepare by filling up balloons but unfortunately Elder Moreira and I had to go to the house( Mission Rules). But a couple photos were taken to catch the fun. 

1. In case you thought I didn't work 2. Elder Perry ruining my shirt 3. Los Tres Amigos & Elder Moreira wearing his Spurs shirt with pride!
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016
Dinner with the Yepez Familia and getting the balloons ready for Carnaval with them.
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016
The Yepez Familia!
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016

I was telling the Yepez family how we helped the Hermana Edita plant some seeds and I said that we could help them make a little garden. They decided that we rip up the whole back patio and see if we could get a field back there. I mean I guess if they wanted to we were ready to help. After tearing up most of the back patio, I thought that it was a good thing they weren't renting this place....until I found out they were renting this place. William (Lider Misional) said that we would just keep the dirt just in case the owner came back. I thought about how mad my mom would have been if she was the owner. So we are getting the garden down and hopeing to start planting this week! 

1.Doing service, 2.Kissing the bicep, 3.Elder Moreira when he almost fell 4, My face when they told me they were just renting the property.
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016

1.Batter up,  2.All in uniform,  3.Elder Moreira playing in the dirt, &still working!
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016

1. The return of chuckie (my stomach) 2. Elder Moreira and William our Ward Mission Leader 3. Doing Squats, 4. Those cement tiles are heavier than they look!
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016
Wiliam, Elder Moreira and I getting the work done!
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016

Speaking of the Yepez, don't know if you remember the dad that was drunk and wouldn't give them money to eat. Well we started teaching him and he is planning to be baptized in March. I think celebrating his birthday really showed him that we care about him. Even his daughter is planning to be baptized in March. President promised that we would see miracles in March and who knew that we actually would. With sacrifices, there are blessings. 
Elder Moreira and his first baptism, Ricardo.  The Elders from the other side of our area asked him to baptize.
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016
Well the Elders of the other side of the ward have been working with an investigator named Ricardo. He was able to be baptized this Saturday and Elder Moreira was able to baptize him. The poor guy didn't have white clothes so I had to lend him mine,  but he didn't care they were too large and was so happy to get his first baptism in. Elder Moreira has been progressing really well. I feel like he is becoming the msisonary he wants to be! And what the Lords wants him to be.

My classic "Kimball" face
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016
So on Wednesday, Elder Holland will be visiting our mission and we will have a couple hours to hear from him. I am really excited because I remember the Spirit I felt when he visited us in San Antonio. We have to fast today to prepare for the meeting and we have to contact five people while on the way to the meeting. Of all the apostles that I get to see during my mission of course it's going to be Jeffrey R. Holland! I hope to receive a lot of revelation because I know that he is an apostle of God. 
Watch this video:
Stay Within the Lines

President Richardson shared with us the mormon message to help prepare us for the visit of Elder Holland. Althought the message does not apply to all of us, I know it can still help us all. Repentance is key. I know it is hard. I have done it and more than once. It is something that has helped me become the person God wants me to be. Even though we make mistakes, God still loves us but He does not accept even the littlelest bit of sin. Let us try to be more spiritually clean. It is something that I know that I have struggled with, am struggling with, and will struggle with, but as long as I remember whose side I am on that is what matters.

18Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord : though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18)

Let us be clean, and I know that we will be blessed!

Elder Kimball
1.Pig Intestines with cabbage and rice 2. At least we tried it! 3. With the Hermana Marcia making pig intestines
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016

Bailey- Heard you broke the sabbath. Exodus 31:14-15
Clay- Heard you feeling weak these days Ether 12:27
Lexi- How's school? You making alot of friends?
Leah- You're still in soccer right? Keep working hard!
Bella- Try to help Grandma and Grandpa out this week! Mosiah 2:17
Collins- Mom and Dad will be back before you know it! Don't cry too much!
Capri- Keep eating fatty!
Mom- Enjoy Antartica or as Lexi says Aunt Artica! Take pictures and don't play Rook too much!
Dad- Thanks for writing me something other than sports! Love you Dad and enjoy the trip!

Elder Kimball

Monday, February 8, 2016

Carnival is Here!

Date: February 8, 2016
Week: 85 Cangahua, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Moreira/ Quevedo Ecuador
Colton's Address:
Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Quito Ecuador
Celebrating Hno. Carlos Birthday. (He didn´t even remmebr it was his birthday.)
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016
Dear People,
As for now, I am fine. Thank goodness that Elder Moreira's sickness has been cooling down. This week was a little disappointing as far as investigators progressing goes. We are teaching a lot just not all are keeping their commitments.

We have a lady named Marcia who finally recieved permission from her husband to be baptized. But last minute she wasn't able to attend church this week.We are hoping to have her baptized in February. Darwin was doing great and had a date to be baptized but didn't come to church. We are focusing on the Book of Mormon with him and we have definitely seen a difference in his desire to be baptized. I am sure he can get baptized in February as well.  We focused on Lehonti coming down from the mountain and he was able to make the connection to himself for every time he doesn't keep a commandment.

Carlota Lopez was admitted into the hospital this week so the Familia Yepez was a little dead. Going through the records, I saw that it was her husbands birthday that day. We had an appointment with him that night so we bought him a cake and surprised him. We pretended to start the lesson and I asked him why this day was special. He said because it was Wednesday. We pulled out the cake and  said surprise! The poor guy didn't even remember his own birthday. I guess when you are turning 59 you try not to rememeber that.
This guy likes his Ecuadorian food!
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016

Well as far as big news goes, not really sure how to tell you guys but I will finally be having an Apostle of the Lord visit the mission. And of all of them of course it has to be The Jefferey R. Holland. I am pretty excited! We were be able to be in a panaromic photo with him so we will see!

Also Fe de Febrero started. If you don't rememeber what that is, we basically have to sacrifice a bunch of stuff to show our faith to the Lord and then he will bless us witha bunch of miracles in March. I have decided to sacrifice something and I will need help with from y'all. I ask all of you for the months of February and March to not write me of anything of the world like sports, movies, tv shows, stuff like that. I hope that y'all can help me out with that! I am excited to see the blessings that the Lord will bless us with if we do our part.

Well Ecuador has shown me how crazy they can really get. Today and Tomorrow, Elder Moreira and I are only allowed to leave the house if we have a for sure appointment because the streets are filled with people throwing water, eggs, mangos, balloons etc. at eachother. Literally they just go out in their bathing suits and play with whoever they see, so it's really not good days for missionaries to be out in the streets. I guess this what happens when you don't have a pool.

The Sabbath is a Delight

Since this Sunday will be a special one for all you lovers out there let us celebrate it with the Lord. The Sabbath is a day of the Lord. It is not ours. It is not our choice to keep it, or break it. We must keep it because we are children of our Father.
I love you all! Happy Valentines Day!
Elder Kimball

Bailey- Hope you are staying modest;)
Clay- Keep working on that arm. O and don't worry about the height. You'll sprout just like I did.
Lexi- I love you and thank you for the wonderful message bout all the cool foods you ate for the Superbowl!
Leah- I love you too. O and I'll try and not write you while you are at school. So sorry for interrupting your busy day.
Bella- Well look who it is. The mini pre teen that isn't even a pre teen yet that has a phone. I appreciate your oppinion on who I should marry. I'll take all opinions into consideration.
Collins- Heard you are talking? Dang what are you like 5 years old?
Capri- Same old same old.
Mom- Glad to hear about your missonary experience. Now just keep having more experiences and you will feel the Spirit even more.
Dad- Might need to step up your letters if you can't write me about sports;)
Love to all! Elder Kimball

Monday, February 1, 2016

Ultrasounds and Kidney Stones

Date: February 1, 2016
Week: 84 Cangahua, Ecuador
Companion: Elder Moreira/ Quevedo Ecuador
Colton's Address:
Quito Ecuador North Mission
Francisco Robles E-4 151 Av Amazonas
Edificio Iglesia de Jesucristo
Quito Ecuador
Jandry Morillo, a rescue we had who will be going to the temple next week!
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016
If that title does not get your attention, I don't know what will!
This week was interesting, to pick up where I left off, Elder Moreira went to the hospital and had to get a blood exam and we made another appointment to return. The nurse, Hermana Pemberton, made an appointment for him to get an ultrasound and lets just say that this wasn't my first time.   It was probably was one of the funniest moments on my mission. I got to see my companion strip down into just a robe and then lay down on the hospital bed. Then the doctor comes in, who by the way is a spitting image of the old man in the movie Up. He moves the little camera thing around his stomach for 30 minutes, meanwhile I'm just making horrified faces to my companion to make him think he has some alien inside him. Then the great idea of asking the doctor of whether it was a boy or girl popped into my head. Lets just say he didn't find it funny.

Our journey to the hospital
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2015

Chilling with the Ward Mission Leader
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016

Besides being in the hospital every other day, we were actually able to get alot of work done. We continued working with the Yepez Family. Their dad and daughter now have dates for the 20th to get baptized.
Going to see if it's a boy or a girl
Cangahua, Ecuador February 2016

Our long lost friend Darwin Puco finally picked up his phone. He was really surprised to hear from us because the last time we had contact with him he was a little wasted. He agreed to keep meeting with us and we were able to read in Alma 47 about Lehonti. And how little by little Satan tempts us to come down from our mountain and he traps us. If you aren't familiar with Lehonti, I highly suggest reading it.

We have been working with alot of part member families which has helped us have friends for all of our investigators. The work is starting to speed up and I hope that Elder Moreira and I can just keep up with the plans the Lord has in store for us. Besides Elder Moreira having a kidney stone, or a inflamed colon, all is well in Zion.

Hope You Know, We Had a Hard Time
I echo the words of Elder Cook when saying when we pass difficult times we just think of the Savior. He knows us and loves us!

Elder Kimball